I'm currently reading about control construct in this book:
McKillip, J. (1992). Research without control groups. In F. B. Bryant, J. Edwards, R. S. Tindale, E. J. Posavac, L. Heath, E. Henderson, & Y. Suarez-Balcazar (Eds.), Methodological issues in applied social psychology (pp. 159–175). Springer US. [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4899-2308-0_8](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4899-2308-0_8) and i have a question regarding this method.
From the chapter, the writer wrote "A good control construct is similar to the experimental construct in terms of historical interest, social desirability, and measurement reliability, but measures a different "true score.""
And gave "an evaluation of a women's safety-education intervention might choose women's job advancement and self-examination for breast cancer as control constructs to compare to the experimental construct of violence against women." as the example.
The problem is I cannot still understand the example. Can someone elaborate why women's job advancement and self-examination for breast cancer are a good control construct in this context?
Thank you,
Looking forward to your answer :)