20 December 2019 3 7K Report

In 2 stage stochastic optimization, why I found that the optimization problem has equations for the 1st stage and equations for the 2nd stage but those two groups are solved simultaneously however I think that we first solve the 1st stage equations then take the results and substitute in the 2nd stage equations (new problem) or there is something I overlooked?

Also why we dont combine the equations for 1st and 2nd stages as they are solved simultaneously ?

my case study is for power systems with renewable energy uncertainty when I make day ahead decisions for the power dispatch, power dispatch of each generator are computed (1st stage decisions) then after the realization of uncertain events (renewable energy) redispatch is done in the 2nd stage using reserve or may some load shedding is done.

My question is how the decisions of the 2 stages done simultaneously as I see from some papers. why we optimize the 1st stage first and run our optimization then take the results and apply them in the 2nd stage problem and run it again? and if the optimization of the 2 stages made simultaneously, why we did not combine the equations (constraints) of the 2 stages together ? as I see 1st stage constraints and 2nd stage constraints.

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