I have read numerous papers about using (Trimethylsilyl)diazomethane (TMSD) to derivitize/methylate the negatively charged phosphate groups present in bisphosphonate compounds for LC-MS/MS or HPLC analysis.
I know that TMSD needs to be stored under nitrogen, however I am unsure if the derivitization reaction needs to be performed in an inert nitrogen environement or not? This step is not clear from the papers I have read. The procedure to methylate bisphosphonates appears relatively simple:
1. Evaporate solvent using SpeedVac or add directly to eluant from SPE
2. Use a 20:80 (TMSD:Methanol) ratio (1mL), let reaction sit for 1hr at RT.
3. Evaporate under nitrogen stream at 40C.
4. Resuspend in mobile phase for LC-MS/MS
Does anyone have experience working with TMSD or diazomethane? What do I need to know about TMSD other than what is provided on an SDS sheet?
Do steps 2-4 need to be carried out in an inert environment? Which steps can be done in "air?"
Any help is greatly appreciated!