
I have IMU sensor that gives me the raw data such as orientation, Angular and Linear acceleration. Im using ROS and doing some Gazebo UUV simulation. Furthermore, I want to get linear velocity from the raw IMU data. If I do integration over time there will be accumulated error and will not be accurate with the time when for example the robot makes turns.

So If I use

acceleration_x = (msg->linear_acceleration.x + 9.81 * sin(pitch)) * cos(pitch); acceleration_y = (msg->linear_acceleration.y - 9.81 * sin(roll)) * cos(roll);

So integrating linear acceleration is very bad,

Velocity_x= Velocity_old_x+acceleration_x*dt;

because integrates the acceleration without taking into account any possible rotation of the sensor, which means that the results will probably be terrible if the sensor rotates at all.

So I need some ROS package that takes into account all this transformation and gives me the most accurate estimation of the linear velocity. Any Help? Thanks

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