Transforming Holographic-Universe Theory Into Vector-Tensor-Scalar Geometry

The holographic principle was first proposed by Gerard 't Hooft. It was given a precise string-theory interpretation by Leonard Susskind who said, “The three-dimensional (3D) world of ordinary experience––the universe filled with galaxies, stars, planets, houses, boulders, and people––is a hologram, an image of reality coded on a … two-dimensional (2D) surface." The prime example of holography is the AdS/CFT correspondence, first proposed by Juan Maldacena in late 1997. In theoretical physics, the anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence, sometimes called Maldacena duality or gauge/gravity duality, is a conjectured relationship between two kinds of physical theories. On one side are anti-de Sitter spaces (AdS) which are used in theories of quantum gravity, formulated in terms of string theory or M-theory. On the other side of the correspondence are conformal field theories (CFT) which are quantum field theories, including theories similar to the Yang–Mills theories that describe elementary particles.

A 3D cube can be regarded as an image of reality coded on a 2D surface (a projection from a square). The cubic shape would be a linear projection resulting from adding, in one direction, multiple layers of the information in the square. The 2D square would be a nonlinear (angular) projection resulting from adding 4 lines, each one being separated from those adjoining it by 90 degrees. A one-dimensional line is a set of points obeying a linear relationship. A point’s an exact position or location. It’s important to understand that a point is not a thing, but a place. It possesses zero size and no matter how far we zoomed in, it’d remain dimensionless with no width. Instead of programming a set of points to follow a straight line, suppose they’re represented curvilinearly as a waveform described by Fourier analysis or v=f(lambda).

The plane figure with 4 lines - a square or other parallelogram – could then have a pair of intersecting sides represent the vector of photons and the vector of gravitons i.e. electromagnetic (EM) waves and gravitational (G) waves. The momentum of interacting photons and gravitons would produce a pressure identified as mass (this interaction would be similar to a gravitational field refracting passing light, or the pressure of sunlight propelling the mass of solar sails).

Also, interacting photons and gravitons produce the quantum spin of the produced mass e.g. the photon’s quantum spin of 1 could interact with the graviton’s quantum spin of 2 to create one divided by two (½ is the spin of every particle of matter).

Another example is photonic spin 1 could inversely interact with gravitonic spin 2 to create two divided by one (2/1 is the spin of particles comprising the gravitational field of massive black holes).

Referring to the two above examples – When William Rowan Hamilton devised quaternions back in 1843, he defined them as the quotient of two vectors. So, matter particles and black holes can both be described by quaternions.

Yet another example is – spin 1 means the particle has to be turned round completely (360 degrees) to look the same. Spin 2 means the particle has to be turned 180 degrees to look the same. What happens if time reversal is incorporated into this interaction of particles in space? The photon’s complete spin of 1 is added to the graviton’s half spin of 180 degrees then the graviton’s time reversal subtracts half a spin. This gives 1+1/2-1/2 which equals the spin of the strong nuclear force’s gluon as well as the spin of the weak force’s W and Z bosons.

An intriguing fact is that matter particles need to be completely turned round twice (720 degrees) to look the same. And a Mobius strip has to be travelled around twice to reach the start. Does this imply that the hard and solid objects we touch daily are actually immaterial things composed of the Mobius and its topological mathematics?

Should the time reversal above be confirmed experimentally, it means gravitation and electromagnetism are the only truly fundamental forces. The strong and weak forces are products of G and EM. Also, the Higgs boson and field would not be responsible for generation of mass. The two parallelogram lines depicting the gravitational vector and electromagnetic vector would have graviton-photon interaction displayed by the diagonal of the parallelogram. The scalar Higgs boson may be positioned as a point on this diagonal because tensor calculus changes the coordinates of the vectors and diagonal into those of the Higgs (relating the Higgs field to the supposedly unrelated gravitational field). When the mass produced is 125 GeV/c^2 and the quantum spin is zero, Higgs is the result.

Perhaps it was concluded that the Higgs is responsible for mass because the calculations of Peter Higgs and others go a significant part of the way to the conclusions of Vector-Tensor-Scalar Geometry and its parallelogram. But the connection with gravitation (and electromagnetism) was overlooked. Interestingly, these two forces were suggested as playing a role in the formation of elementary particles – and, as it turns out, in the formation of the nuclear forces not discovered until the 1930s - in a 1919 paper published by Albert Einstein.

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