We are working on the fabrication of Hall devices from exfoliated flakes of 2D materials. We are exfoliating these 2D materials on polymer stamps (PDMS) and then deterministically transferring them on pre-patterned Hall geometry devices(Ti/Au contacts 5/70nm respectively) on SiO2/Si substrate using 2D dry transfer setup. After the successful transfer of 2D flakes on device geometry, we inspect the devices microscopically (in high-resolution 100X). Optically the 2D flake appears to be in perfect physical contact with all contact leads. But when we are characterizing them electrically, in the first 2-3 sets of I-V measurements, we are getting the expected resistivity range and also the Ohmic nature of our contacts. But after 2-3 sets of measurements, the resistance of the sample reaches to giga-ohm range, and also, the contacts are losing their ohmic nature.
While inspecting the device optically after IV measurements, it appears in perfect working order (i.e. the flake is still in the same condition as it was before the measurements).
It would be a great help if you could suggest something regarding the issue based on thhe expertise in bottom contact devices.