I need to obtain BAC DNA for applications that will require ug quantities. 

I have bacterial glycerol stocks with my BACs, which carry a chloramphenicol resistance gene. I've been streaking out my glycerol stocks on LB-Chlor plates (25ug/mL), then inoculating 5mL cultures of LB-Chlor (25ug/mL) with single colonies for overnight cultures. I haven't taken the OD600 of my cultures, but they look by eye like my usual LB-amp E. coli overnights for standard cloning experiments, which usually hover around 1.0.

I have used the pellets from 5mL overnight cultures to either do from-scratch alkaline lysis protocols or using the Zymo BAC miniprep kit. I realized my from-scratch protocol did not include an RNAse step, and my BACs are contaminated with large amounts of RNA. The Zymo BAC miniprep kit advertises an average yield of 1ug/3mL of culture, but my 5mL cultures are yielding ~100ng total.

Note that I will need my final product to be RNAse free. I assumed the column purification would take care of that in the Zymo kit, but my strategy for any non-column purification is to do a phenol-chloroform extraction followed by ethanol precipitation.

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