Hi there. Operation of a Thermo LCQ Advantage was perfect until turned it to stand-by. Next day, the system was turned on and everything seemed fine. However, TIC signal completely disappeared in the first blank. Came into the LCQ Tune window and yes, the system was reading nothing.

Diagnostics indicated that the Multipole 1 offset was out of control (set at -3 V when actual value as -19 V) as well as Trap DC offset (this latter one scarcely failed, set at -10 V when actual was -10.5). We decided to replace the electron multiplier (the device has 20 years old). Now, Multipole 1 offset is appropriately controlled but Trap DC offset is again scarcely out of range (this has been happening during the las 4 years and we decided not to take it too much seriously).

The problem is that right now, the LCQ is reading ions but masses jump in a 3-4 mass unit range. So, calibration fails since there is no a fixed calibration mass to take as a reference (i.e. MRFA jumps from m/z 522 to 526). Multiplier voltage is nice (-850 V since it is brand new), normal scan fails, zoom scan fails but AGC prescan is OK (but with a high FWHM of 5.5-6). You can also see the typical distribution of calibration masses (caffeine, MRFA and ultramark) but all with wrong masses. We also tried to perform a coarse calibration but the problem is still there, reading of masses is jumping among a 4-6 mass units range. Since we also tune the ring electrode RF and octapole RF voltages, we noticed that the Multipole RF voltage was 2362.5 kHz when it should be in the 2400-2550 range.

We need to know which part of electronics is failing. The biggest and most complex component is the System Control PCB but we would like to be sure that it is the problem before getting a refurbished one.

Of course, Thermo service in Spain said that they couldn´t care about this issue and just said, good luck!!

Many thanks chaps!!


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