Just wondering if there's any way I can carry out the KSS unit root test on eviews or if there's any other programme anyone knows of that is capable of carrying out the test?
Dear Kathiravan, just like Nip Nip has pointed out, there is currently no built in procedure for implementing KSS unit root, not even an add-in for such test. If you're very familiar with eviews, I recommend you follow the steps outlined by Nip Nip to get the value of b* parameter and with the table in KSS (2003).
Equation (14) in KSS(2003) at least advises that. This is also in line with the ADF test. The new addition here is "a*y(t)^3". Also, as suggested in the KSS(2003), we should compare the critical values with CASE 2 in Table 1.