I am completing my dissertation with a qualitative approach. I expect inputs for the use of two theories: structural functioning and transformative ecofeminism in understanding field facts. Can it be? Thank you
I don't see any problem of using two theories in a study. The key questions that you may want to ask include: What is the role of theory in your study? By using two theories, what do you want to achieve in the study? What is the line of reasoning that will guide your study? These questions in my view help in developing a more focused research.
Siento que puede hacerlo, siempre que tenga claro cuál es el objetivo principal, por lo general queremos abarcar demasiado y nos perdemos del objetivo central. Sugeriría explorar que las teorías que piensas desarrollar se adapten al logro de objetivos.
For gender analysis to be understood from two thoeries, you requere a good grasp of discources analysis. this will strengthen your qualitative analysis and draw insights of gender issues.