Standard Theory admits that no plausible explanation for the gravitational force has yet been found. Therefor gravity remains a myth.

But if we consider the gravitational field like other force fields, like an electric or magnetic field, we find a common explanation for the force, those force fields exert on objects:

The force on an object which contributes to a force field is given by the dependency of the energy contained in the field overlay on the distance between the object and the field source.

This law applies to all kinds of force fields and explains the common cause of the force.

With this law, the cause for the gravitational force exerted by a background field on objects is identified. It is the energy content in the overlay of the object field and the background field.

With this energy related reasoning, the myth about gravity is terminated, once and for all.

The discussion question now is if this reasoning is comprehensive, unique, complete, correct, and finally conclusive. With other words: Are there other possibilities to explain the cause of the gravitational force.

But we should a priori consider that the relativistic space distortion does not explain the gravitational force. It is only a sophisticated circumstance related to gravitational forces.

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