Teacher must be Kind, Helpful, Trustable, Professional and loyal to professional teaching ethics. There is only little chance of error in this profession and lose the trust. regards
Professor are the key point for the students developing their career under the plan of their future right plan , for this professor have to carry out their heavy responsibility both for the within & outside & especially for within he has to divert the tuning of his within related to psychic,moral creating & evaluation for the students .
With the above first impression for the students is his knowledge of assignment , impressive behavior , & should take utmost interest in their students not only for the developing of career , but it should cover moral ethics so that it may certainly improve their life line under which whatever the profession they may choose .
من ميزات الأستاذ الناجح هي زرع بذرة حب المعلومة والدرس في نفوس الطلبة وإيصالهم إلى مرحلة التشويق والتفاعل والانسجام مع حلقات العلم وتنمية ميولهم ودوافعهم وطاقاتهم ومواهبهم
You can succeed as a teacher when you establish an adequate Teacher-Student relationship, around the Promotion in the Learning Process and not only in the Teaching.
Also, have the ability to achieve motivation in students and strengthen their self-esteem in their own abilities to achieve significant learning; that is, learning for life and not just to credit subjects in the classroom.
It is the successful professor who can communicate the correct information to the student with all love and honesty and also make the students occupy this information correctly in their working life.
This can be done with good dealings and sincerity in his work and good subject to the scientific material and facilitate them with humility with them they are children learn from fathers and the secret of success of August in the success of his sons
I think it is important to the teacher to relate the scientific topic to a real life example to make it easier and that approach will be favorable to students' minds.
Good and friendly interaction with students,one to one coversation, solve difficulties without boundary of time limit, guide to become student a good student and good person with ethics,impart all knowlege , according to level of students teach accordingly,slightly strick