I would say that in principle research counts more than the journal. I say in principle, because I do not think much of the predatory journals where you even have to pay for being published. But this does not mean that all research published in predatory journals is, say, bad research. As an author and reviwer for several prestigious Journals and have see that there is much inbreeding in these Journals. As a reviewer and a reader I look more at the quality of research than the Journal wherein is published.
Research moves science forward - that's undeniable. At the same time, we should not forget the theoretical basis on which they are based. It should take account of current trends and concepts in a given field of study. If this is neglected, the study is pointless - in itself. I think serious impact magazines are looking for such research. However, this does not mean that all scientists have to publish in such magazines - in practice this is impossible. I respect every magazine, becouse I have met interesting research in lesser-known journals. More important in this case is the original character and quality of the publication. Any scholar who respects himself should strive for that.