If something unites us as heterodox economists is a dissatisfaction with the state of Neoclassical Economics. But, if we want to come up with an alternative, I suggest that we should:

1)Do formal (abstract and solid) general theories and explore in a formal, logical and transparent computational way its implications, to come up with clear propositions. This far from the fragmentary pieces or domain-specific narratives we often find in the heterodox realm. We need a theory to beat a theory.

2)Disconnect the heterodox discourse from specific ideological pre-conceptions. The alternative theories could be built on a critical ontological re-appraisal of the very foundations of neo-classical econonics. Methodological reflections are also needed. But no ideological pre-conceptions.

3)We lack such a proposal. The fragmentary, story-telling, often ideologized practice in many realms of heterodox economics just serve to strengthennig the prevalence of neoclassical economics as the best and more complete theory that we have.

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