The results of our research determined for the first time that for the entire frequency range of acoustic waves, the range of their propagation, measured not in units of measurement of distance, but in cycles, is a constant: the same number of cycles corresponds to the same absorption of acoustic energy. Due to the difference in the lengths of acoustic waves, the range of sound propagation is determined by the wavelength, which for the conditions of the practical absence of sound dispersion in water, has a statistical relationship with the wave frequency. Due to this, the researchers got the wrong impression about the dependence of the sound propagation distance on the frequency. But the presence of correlation in this case is not related to the presence of a cause-and-effect relationship between the frequency of acoustic waves and their propagation distance. Thus, for the first time, the basis for a complete rethinking of the theory of the process of absorbing the energy of acoustic waves in water is presented.

It should be noted that there are signs that the obtained regularity can be extended to transverse waves in water. This is evidenced by the fact that, unlike shorter wind waves, long ocean surface (transverse) waves of "surge" spread over a distance of more than 1000 km. Tsunami waves, which have a length greater than the length of "Zibu" waves, spread over a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers. Seismic waves that propagate in the solid shell of the Earth, at lengths close to the length of tsunami waves, also propagate for tens of thousands of kilometers. In the future, different types of waves propagating in different environments can be considered, which does not exclude the possibility of confirming the general (universal) physically justified and understandable regularity of wave attenuation put forward by us.

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