27 February 2013 12 9K Report

I wantadvice on a practical issue that we are facing while trying to get the high t-f resolution for hopping signals recorded through voice communication.

There are multiple signals occurring at the same time with a large dynamic range. The Wigner Ville distribution is applied but the main drawback of this distribution is the cross terms. Other variations like Pseudo Smooth WV was also tried but the results were not satisfactory. Moreover, when there are two frequencies, one of high power than the other, occurring at the same time, the frequency of the higher power is more dominant in the resulted PS WV distribution.

Choi William distribution gives better clarity of TF distribution for multiple signals but the boundary where the hoping frequency changes is not clearly detected.

It would be good if someone could suggest or guide me through the selection of methods including or excluding time-frequency distributions that give high clarity so that the hop rate and frequency can be detected via spectrum.

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