I am trying to calculate the variation of temperature of N2 in the accumulator because of the variation in ambient temperature. When the ambient temperature varies a lot, the pressure of N2 also varies accordingly to gas laws. The idea now is to find out what is the time taken for the N2 gas to either increase of decrease in temperature because of the variation of ambient temperature.

For simplicity, I am considering the ambient temperature to be constant. So far the method I tried was lumped capacitance approach. Initially I formulated the transient heat transfer equation from outside and equate it to formulae for change in internal energy for diatomic gas and integrate to get a time temperature response. The issue I find is I am unrealistic variation in temperature of gas meaning in a very short time frame, the temperature inside the accumulator reaches the ambient and I am not sure what is wrong in this model. Could you suggest a right model which I can use to solve this problem.

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