01 January 1970 1 10K Report

I am doing a censored bivariate probit with sample selection

So, I am trying to estimate the probability for an individual to be hired in the private sector. In doing so, I have to include the probability of participating in the labour market to account for sample selection by having 2 stage analysis.

The equations are as the following:

Males sample:

1st stage, Selection equation, Labour force participation (1 if in the LF, Otherwise, 0)= individuals charchetristics such as ag education, region, nationality + Instrument

2nd stage, outcome equation, Probability to be hired in the private sector(1 if hired in the private sector, Otherwise, 0)= individuals charchetristics such as ag education, region, nationality

Females sample:

1st stage, Selection equation, Labour force participation (1 if in the LF, Otherwise, 0)= individuals charchetristics such as ag education, region, nationality + Instrument

2nd stage, outcome equation, Probability to be hired in the private sector(1 if hired in the private sector, Otherwise, 0)= individuals charchetristics such as ag education, region, nationality

The question now is, how to perform the t-test between these 2 sample (Males-Females) after running the regression to compare the changes in the coefficients.

Thank you

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