I found an XRD pattren of a sample with an elevated and consistent background (intensity ~3000 counts) starting from ~20 deg theta-2 value. The software search identified pyrrhotite only however, thin section observation clearly show that sample contains olivine and pyroxene too. I tried to remove the weakly magnetic pyrrhotite with a hand magnetic (even heated to 90 degrees to enhance pyrhotite‘s magnetiism). I found almost identical pattern in terms of the high background, however, this time the search identified augite/diopside along with pyrrhotite. I consider removing pyrrhotite by some chemical means from the sample, as much as possible, without damaging the olivine and pyroxene fractions thta would help to further my investigation on this sample. I request the members of the community who can comment on the high background in XRD pattern as well as how to eradicate the pyrrhotite without hurting olivine and pyroxene. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Looking forward to hear from you all.


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