Hello all,
I am looking to implement a plane-stress isoparametric user-element routine that I intend to use with non-linear material behaviour. For linear elastic cases, the out-of-plane strain (epsilon_33) can be obtained in closed form using Hooke's law.
epsilon_ij = ( ((1+nu)*sigma_ij) / E ) - (nu*tr(sigma)*delta_ij / E), where tr(.) is the trace and delta denotes the kronecker operator.
In the above, as sigma_13 and sigma_23 are zero, we can clearly show that epsilon_13 and epsilon_23 are zero and can therefore be neglected.
My question is, can we also adopt the same idea for large strain case with non-linear but isotropic material behaviour?
i.e., can we also approximate F_13, F_23, F_31 and F_32 (components of def_grad) as unity assuming stress measure to be 1st Piola-Kirchoff for example in a hyperelastic material model?
the fact that epsilon_13 and epsilon_23 are zero for Hooke's law is just a result of linear elastic assumption?
I hope my question is clear and of course I can provide more information if needed.
Thank you for your time