In the United States, along roadsides and on Federal lands since the coming of the European peoples with their European exotic seeds, those exotic and invasive seeds have been sown in America's wild lands and along the roadsides, causing permanent "Spatial Extinction" of the local native plant populations across hundreds of millions of hectares.

For example in the USA, our Bureau of Land Management has annually sown an average of one million pounds (about 1/2 million kilos) of exotic seeds onto Western wild lands between 2000-2015, without ever doing an environmental analysis under our environmental laws (NEPA), to consider the permanent environmental damages being done to the native plant ecosystems, when BLM already has the least environmentally damaging alternative available, of using local native seeds instead?

Our State highway departments sow so many exotics along roadsides, that my 1997 Megatransect across the West showed massive Spatial Extinction of the native ecosystems, and in many cases the intentionally-sown exotics covered 20-30X more area than the exotic weeds covered, at as follows--State highways, percentage of roads with intentionally sown exotics--Colorado, Idaho and Nevada 10%, Idaho 21%, South Dakota 28%, and Wyoming 35%.

SO, THE QUESTION IS--Do the government agencies need to immediately stop the use of exotic seeds along roadsides and on wild lands, and that includes the use of "cultivars" of natives, when they are sown outside of their original ecotype zone areas?

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