I've been writing to Professor Brian Josephson, winner of the Nobel prize for physics in 1973 and director of the Mind-Matter Unification project.. He pointed out that my messages say "from Yahoo Mail" instead of "from Rodney Bartlett". The next day, the message header had changed from Yahoo to my name - though I have no idea how to alter the header. A few minutes ago, I emailed the following speculation to the professor, who said the change was "curious".

That is curious! It's tempting to speculate that it's an example of mind-matter unification. I've worked out this idea that everything in space and time is connected via binary digits, topology, Wick rotation, and advanced waves. Considering how sensitive electronic gadgets are these days, maybe they can respond to our brain waves and change "from Yahoo Mail" to "from Rodney Bartlett". Nice idea, but maybe a bit exotic. Still, "spooky action at a distance " is real.

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