I'm interested. I'm a special education teacher and my dissertation was on reforming how the criminal justice system responds to people with mental illness.
If you are a special education teacher or know anyone who is a special education teacher, here is another link to the survey Mental Health in Special Education: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6WXX3FK
I retired early as a School Administrator. I opened a Charter School in Philadelphia which was K-8. I served 11 years in School Admin., and 15 years as a secondary Mathematics Teacher. I have chaired several Middle State Committees and prepared a comprehensive High School for their Accreditations. Currently, I am working on my dissertation in Psychology, with a focus on The traumatic experience in an Urban Area, and how is the Religious Communities helping youth and adults through their struggles. I currently serve as the Senior Pastor of a Baptist Church in Darby, PA, 19023. Our website is; www.firstbaptistdarby.org.