This question is focused on creating a list of tree species from the Lacandona Rainforest that could be used for a government project that seeks the equilibrium between an ecological restoration project and market production
Restoration ecology in rainforests is complex due to the intricate relationships between all species. There are a few studies that have approached the subject in these areas, see below and sources within:
Article Testing the Performance of Fourteen Native Tropical Tree Spe...
Chapter Memories from the Lacandon Rainforest: Restoration towards a...
Article Lacandon Maya forest management: Restoration of soil fertili...
Article Successional changes in vegetation and litter structure in t...
Respondo en español. Diversos autores han trabajado el tema de restauración en la selva lacandona. Puedes buscar los trabajos de Samuel Levy Tacher y Lorena Soto Pinto, ambos investigadores de El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, quienes han desarrollado diversos proyectos y publicados sus hallazgos en revistas mexicanas como fuera de México.
Saludos cordiales y todo lo mejor.
You may consult the Samuel Levy´s and Lorena Sotos Pinto´s papers, in which they share their research outputs they have found on the restoration and agroforestry issue´s.