Here are some other references that look close to what you are looking for.
- Dumke, G. (1940). Early Interurban Transportation in the Los Angeles Area. The Quarterly: Historical Society of Southern California, 22(4), 131-149.
- Taylor, L. (1972). South California prospects for high speed interurban transportation. Ekistics, 33(194), 13-17.
- Van Zandt, A. (1911). The Presentation of Interurban Problems to the Public. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 37(1), 110-115.
- Van Deusen, E. (1907). Electric Interurban Railway Bonds as Investments. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 30, 144-157.
- Cummins, F. (1911). Possibilities of Freight Traffic on Interurban Lines. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 37(1), 68-77.
thank you very a lot to save this documents. It will useful for me to have and historical perspective on the approches of the interactions of urban and rural transportation