Hi every body,

I want to design a ring coupled to a bus waveguide and obtain critical coupling.

I am doing simulation in 2D, so I use effective index method to replace the 3D structure by 2D one. The waveguides are of silicon with the width of 500 nm and the height of 220 nm, the radius of the ring is 10 um. And the fundamental TE mode is used. In fact, I got the transmission spectrum and I see the dips, but they are very shallow and it seems that I could not reach the critical coupling yet ( in order of 10^-5 dB!). I changed the gap between the ring and the bus repeatedly, although the spectrum changed, but still the dips were really shallow! Could you please guide me to solve this problem?

I have some more questions:

1- When we say the critical coupling means equivalence of internal loss with coupling loss, and it causes a case where we have destructive interference in the bus, and so no power at output, what really happens?

2- For an ideal case, where α=1 (it means that internal loss of ring is zero), and so for getting critical coupling t=α=1 and κ=0, how the critical coupling happens? It seems there is no coupling to the ring because of zero coupling coefficient.

Thanks in advance,


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