It is not clear to me that an "ethics" is necessarily culturally constructed. For exsmple, an ethics can be cultural-neutral as it is applied to all human beings.
What we imagine to be naturally ethical actually has a cultural history. In some cultures killing or rape is not immediately seen as unethical, that is some social groups are liable to such behaviour practised against them, and of course killing can be seen as positive in some religions.
For example, technical or scientific, theoretical or practical information; it does not go beyond mere information with a positivist perspective, limited and fragmented, since it does not conceive man in fullness of all his faculties, physical, mental, intellectual, affective and spiritual.
In addition, the course or path will always be narrow in this way, as it does not have the richness and breadth of cultural virtues, moral values and ethical principles.
Culture is life blood of all human behaviors. However, among the existing cultural diversity, there are certain common core standards that are culturally neutral. Therefore at the global level, it seems that the Ten Commandments, the codes of living given by the Creator God to show us how to live a better life, can be regarded as culturally neutral laws dominating our ethical and moral beliefs in all kinds of behavior. These commandments serve as the basis of human rights and integrity.
Ethical and cultural issues seem quite personal and intimate, and one person can easily offend another by acting in a way that the other thinks is wrong, or even by suggesting that the others view is wrong. Our ethical issues views can be deeply held, bound up with our feelings and culture.
The Ten Commandments and the Golden Rules are a perfect example of cultural neutral ethics. But I'm afraid the ten commandments are not observed especially by those national governments, multinational corporations, and individuals that are engaged in cyber espionage. Thats the IT aspect of ethics or unethical behaviors. The ten commandments or the Golden Rules are not followed in unethical organ transplantation by governments that harvest organs from political prisoners for transplantation. Transcultural transplantation of human organs in medical tourism creates cross-cultural ethical contamination.