لنشر نتاجنا العلمي فيها؟ Scopus هل يتعين علينا حقًا اختيار مجلات
My dearest professors and postgraduate students, I really need answers, feel free to answer in English or in Arabic, many thanks for all who want to participate in this:
Well Scopus is one of the recognised databases. So if a journal is indexed by Scopus, it is fine to go with. Alternatively, you can use Social Science Citation, or Science Citation as criterion to check the quality of a journal, since these databases are widely recognised by the international research community.
Ahmad Saad Ahmad Al-Dafrawi offers one of the most prestigious journal rankings in the academic world. Even if I don't agree with the classifications made with Impact Factors, the truth is that these rankings are the "official" way to classify scientific publications nowadays.