Hi everyone,

I was wondering, when both data types are available, which is best (for which research objective?) to compute community weighted means? Density, biomass or cover seem to be used as if they were exchangeable even though they relate to different aspects of the vegetation, and are not necessarily correlated in my case. Density could be biaised towards species with high seed output, biomass could be biaised towards tall species, whereas cover could be biaised towards a creeping growth form.

What data type do you recommend to compute community weighted means in relation to which research objective?

The only publication which has investigated this question - to the best of my knowledge - is :

Q. Guo, P.W. Rundel, Measuring dominance and diversity in ecological communities: choosing the right variables, Journal of Vegetation Science, 8 (1997) 405-408.

-> which recommends biomass, with few explanations

FYI: I work on weed community response to agricultural practices. Therefore, both biomass and density are very common measures. One obvious problem with density in such cases is when associating average trait values to late germination flushes (i.e. seedlings of summer weeds in winter cereals).

Any documents which could partially answer this question are welcome.

Thank you very much for your interest.



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