Dear all,

At the moment, I am doing shape optimization for membrane structures. I am using GA/MATLAB and ABAQUS to minimize the deviation between the stress on a "real" structure and the assigned pre-stress (this value is an input provided by a designer).

In my optimization problem, MATLAB is served as an optimizer and ABAQUS is used to perform FEA analysis of the structure, then post-processing is done using Python to provide a value for the objective function.

My problem is that for certain values of state variables, the FEA analysis in ABAQUS cannot converge. These values are considered as infeasible solutions in my optimization problem. In my Python code, if this case happens, I will assign a very big value for the objective function. I have launched several optimization simulations and recognized that I have not obtained a global minimum. I have tried to play around with different options in GA, but it does not work out. Now, I think that the problem can be probably the way I've treated the infeasible solutions. 

If someone knows how to overcome the problem, please kindly let me know. It would be a big help for me.

Best regards,

Tien-Dung Dinh

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