Ok, first thing is - why is it important. Let us look at the data - in terms of monetary values the sexually explicit contents in the digital media (that includes porn as well) is worth billions of dollars. And it is happening all around us. People are paying to watch these and also directly or indirectly these are in use in other media campaigns - many advertising contents are highly influenced by the sexually explicit contents.

Now the key question in terms of audience consumption is - why there is such a big demand for these explicit contents? Is it because there is a supply and that's why there is a demand? Probably no. There is a hidden demand and the web media has opened the wide platform to accommodate ample supply. There should be an anthropological connection in this scenario - it took ages for us, the Human Being, to learn how (and why) to wear clothes so that we are not exposed and now, the reverse is in demand - exposing. Why? Is it imposed? Is it natural? Is it influenced? Is it influencing?

Also, the cultural perspectives are important in this scenario. Although the demand for the explicit contents is prevailing across all the societies covering various cultural dimensions - the approach of acceptability and the mechanism of acceptance vary from culture to culture. Sexually explicit contents in the web media are consumed (as primary product) and also are used in other promotional contents (as secondary product) in all the societies as research shows - ranging from the West to the East. From less conservative societies to more conservative societies. It is important to figure out how the varied cultural perspectives influence the consumption and distribution of the contents. How to do that? I will develop a scale of theoretical measurement in this regard in my research in the near future. 

There are many other perspectives that are not only relevant but also extremely important to understand this trend of sexually explicit contents in the digital media. I have worked in the media sector including creative advertising for many years - also I am an academic researcher in this sector - I want to connect the dots in this regard - sociology, psychology, anthropology, comms/media theories, culture. The basic of communications models has a special place here including the one for ads - the flow of the origination of an analytical aspect to exploring the audience insights to content production/distribution to monitoring. 

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