02 February 2017 0 309 Report

Here are my views on this:

I think science has not taken a proactive role and responsibility in minimizing the destructive policies of various governments in the world. And ideally politics and science go hand in glove. So, scientists should preferably take a very strong position in political decisions. Why not. If good science tries to make life comfortable on the planet Earth and if bad politics destroys that vision then what will we achieve by our 24hrs of hard work. The fact is politics cannot be ruled-out from any scientific discourse but unfortunately researchers largely remain at distance from political arenas fearing funding problems (because grant keys are always in political hands). Because of this fear, I reckon, scientists have often taken minimum-to-no-role in political decisions. And this deserves attention. I ask you is global warming going to create more havoc than what we already witness around us; look at devastation in Iraq. And now it is well documented that Saddam Hussein was not in possession of weapons of mass destruction. Who will bring that country back to normal, and who will take responsibility of the loss of life, property, and total devastation that has ruined the whole country and its inhabitants. Now, similar destruction is going on in Syria, Palestine etc. Are we waiting for a full-scale nuclear war to end this world, which may happened much before climate change or global warming can severely impact us. Or is it time for the entire humanity, and particularly good and responsible scientists to work out a comprehensive plan to bring peace on the planet.

It seems that a good and healthy political atmosphere can greatly improve life on our planet, and beyond. But, unfortunately we prefer to close our eyes to the reality, and it is for sure that this attitude of ours will destroy our much loved planet Earth in a blow that may prove much worst that say global warming etc. So, it is time that we learn from our past mistakes, and start building political consensus on all issues that concern us. Scientists ought to take a very strong role, I recon.

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