According to Wikipedia, a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is formed when a gas of bosons at very low densities is cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero (−273.15 °C or −459.67 °F). Under such conditions, a large fraction of bosons occupy the lowest quantum state, at which point microscopic quantum mechanical phenomena, particularly wavefunction interference, become apparent macroscopically.

The electromagnetic spectrum is a range of different frequencies (from radio, through visible light, to gamma rays) blending into one spectrum. Gravity is also made up of waves - gravitational waves - and, though gravity and light are different in most ways, it might be considered an extension of this spectrum. In 1919, Albert Einstein published a paper called "Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?" And a century ago the founder of Wave Mechanics, Louis de Broglie, treated electrons as standing waves, thus introducing matter waves and wave-particle duality. Thanks to Einstein and de Broglie, mass can be regarded as an extension of electromagnetic waves, too.

Here’s a tip on how, in the future, you could move the samples space probes and rovers collect to storage places in the craft - or even back on Earth - without any physical contact. The craft could emit microwaves or laser beams which excite electrons in the samples, raising their energy level. Since matter is an extension of the electromagnetic-gravitational spectrum, increasing the energy of the samples could - with technological developments that extend excitation beyond electrons to every particle of the sample - give them a frequency identical to the microwaves or laser. Lenses and mirrors can focus the waves which were solid/liquid/gas to storage in the probes or rovers or an Earthly lab. This method might permit huge volumes to be stored as energy whereas, in material form, the molecules would occupy much space and be very heavy.

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