Safe cities for women with disabilities ? or Are cities accessible to women with disabilities? could be carried out in any nation or location that complied with international standards and regulations. begins with the planning of any project involved in building a new city, such as the proportions of the WCs, ramps, tac tiles, the richness of the entryway, accessibility, and other things.
Respecting the fact that women are the other half of the community and need to be recognized and protected as mothers, sisters, and wives could help create safe cities for women. From a building standpoint, we should take into account the preferences of women when designing things like kitchens or colors, and provide lighting in parking lots or other dark locations to prevent any discrimination against women.
This discussion would be a scientific thesis. First, because urban planning at a global level is precarious and deficient. Second, because you would get into a gender issue. Third, why does the duality arise: do women have broad access to the same spaces as men? only then can you verify the interrelation between these three aspects.
After this analysis, then, I believe that you can minimally select some cities to test your hypotheses, not to mention that it will still be a broad work.
Unfortunately, this discussion hasn't gone as far as we'd like, and I hope you'll be encouraged to continue these debates!