
I'm using Rockhopper for the analysis of a bacterial RNA-seq experiment. I'm not a bioinformatician, and this software constitutes, in principle, a user-friendly tool for those working with bacterial transcriptomes. The genome of the bacterial species I'm working with is not in the Rockhopper database. I have tried several things:

1) When I try to conduct the analysis by specifying the location of the folder containing the genome sequence of my bug in FASTA format and the protein file in ptt format, the software doesn't run (the analysis status bar goes up to 100% immediately and no result file is generated).

2) When I run a de novo assembly of my RNA-seq data with Rockhopper, perfectly aligned reads are less than 50%, and I obtain a file with the sequences, but no annotation. So all in all, I'm not able to determine which genes are more differentially expressed. Also the p and q values provided by the software are quite confusing.

3) If I run an analysis using the genome of a closely related species as a reference, the results are not optimal at all, as evidenced by the fact that no differential gene expression is reported for some genes that must be obviously upregulated under my experimental conditions.

The RNA quality was great (RIN values 9.8-10) and the RNA-seq data quality look also very good according to the sequence quality score plots.

Any help and/or suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Best regards,


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