I am using NEB mutagenesis protocol (not kit) for point mutation, primers are designed back to back orientation and after PCR I want to perform PNK phosphorylation. I have thermoscientific PNK enzyme with me and it says 5' termini of linear DNA (1to 20 Pmol) required for phosphorylation. 5' termini is confusing because I will take PCR product which has 5' as well as 3' end then what does 5' termini of DNA means?

I also want to know is heat inactivation  of ligase required after ligation of phosphorylated product?

After ligation I will go for DpnI digestion so digested fragments will be present in the sample so presence of ligase enzyme could ligate it, that is why I want to know is heat inactivation of phosphorylated product is necessary?

Is 1 hr incubation for DpnI digestion ok?

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