I am currently studying bone growth in several hunter-gatherer populations in relation to a modern growth standard and am searching for some insight on what statistical approach would be best suited for understanding the differences between forager growth.

I have a total of four samples, and within these samples i have the estimated ages of each individuals (n ranging from 40 to 90 per sample), and a selection of measurements for each individual such as maximum length of various long bones, and cortical measurements taken from at 50% of the femur 50% such as medullary area, cortical area, cortical thickness.

For their comparison to the modern standard, I've chosen to use Z-scores by creating age cohorts in the modern reference and then calculating the z-score for each forager child using these cohorts based on their own estimated age. I've decided to analyze these scores via a kruskal wallis test.

My question, however, is what approach would best be suited to compare forager growth to one another? For example, how could I compare femoral total area in one population to another, while taking age into consideration? Many thanks in advance :)

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