01 January 1970 3 795 Report

Dear Professors!

I am Dr. Tahir Khan from Pakistan. Recently, I completed my Ph.D. degree in Botany (Mycology) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hong Yu from the Yunnan Herbal Laboratory, School of Life Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650504, Yunnan, China.

My Ph.D. dissertation is titled "Comprehensive analysis of metabolites in the mycelium of Cordyceps fumosorosea cultured on Periplaneta americana". / Mechanism of alleviating acute lung injury  in mice from serum metabolomic analysis of Cordyceps fumosorosea

I am interested in working in your research group as a post-doctoral fellowship to develop a novel on any topic with your kind supervision and guidance.

Dear Prof if you have a post-doctoral position, allow me to work in your research group.

Recently, I am in Yunnan, Kunming, China.

I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

Regards: Tahir Khan

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