Question 05-01

Why "the appropriate role in the appropriate place at the right time"?

Please watch this video.

Be yourself.

You don't have to prepare for interviews or give talks. Why?

Because you will be fake, and you will be lying, and you will appear as if you are from a different world.

What should I do? Be yourself, and you will. Come across confidently and convincingly, and you will reach the audience's heart.

There are three apparent issues with your excellent related to skills:

(1) Hidden: if you are going to an interview, you must be a master of the skills that are required for the job. However, if you have the skills, being yourself is possible.

(2) I Interviewed many people during my career, and most of them prepared how to impress you by how they look and feel, and they may know the skills but need to learn the "how-to." We have a lot of people who write books and teach software engineering. They need to learn about software engineering and teach nothing of value where the majority of faculty and administrators claim that they are very knowledgeable in Software Engineering and many fields of knowledge. They need to be retrained and learn the what and the how.

(3) There is no way to sharpen your skills in a few days, months, or years.

Note: In case you don't know, "look and feel" is any interface's final and only goal. We are a society of "interfaces" -- The outside is most important to many individuals and legal parties. Could you look at what is going on the social media?

Simple fact: The most qualified individuals do not get the job that fits their qualifications well. Why? many reasons, and some deal with ugly human and legal parties' behaviors, where permitted parties are Human, Organization, Country, and Political Parties.

Another Important Issue Related to Roles:

Must we deal and wheel with "The appropriate role in the appropriate place at the right time" or "NEW" instead of "The right person in the right place at the right time.?" by Thomas B. Holman?

I know that TED will remove my comments, and they did this before because they have a mission to fool society and the world's citizens, which is an ugly role.

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