22 February 2020 4 6K Report

Consider a system of two particles. The system was prepared (e.g., by some prior measurement) to have zero total spin. Another measurement is made, either immediately after the preparation or at a later time if Schrodinger evolution does not disturb the total spin of the system. This other measurement finds the spin of one particle to be "up" in some selected direction. We conclude that the spin of the other particle must be "down" relative to the same selected direction. However, this conclusion can only be valid if the measurement did not disturb the total spin of the two-particle system. I don't doubt that this is correct, but my problem is not knowing how to derive, from basic principles that I have learned, that the spin measurement of a single particle does not disturb the total spin of the two-particle system. Using more mathematical terminology, the problem is to show that an operator associated with single-particle spin (I'm not sure what that means for a two-particle system) commutes with the operator associated with total system spin. How can we show that these operators commute?

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