After trying different protocols I was able to extract RNA from old olive tree leaves with a phenol / chloroform : IAA protocol. Nanodrop measurments of the samples gave 260/280 rate ranging between 1.25-1.42 and 260/230 from 1.04-1.55 and a content of 100 - 200 ng/ul. I proceeded creating cDNA using 200ng of RNA template for a 20 ul cDNA volume. Then a qPCR was performed with the Kapa SYBR FAST qPCR Master MIx (2x) with the use of 1ul of the created cDNA for a 10ul reaction. The amplification plot looked like the attached. I am actually inexperienced but i was told that the refrence gene i am using (actin) is showing up late (30-35+ cycles)

I think that there is probably a phenol contamination in my samples and that is the cause for this bad qPCR. But i am also thinking about the quantity of the RNA that was used. Maybe it was too little, explaining the late amplification or too much taken the fact i didn't dilute my cDNA. Thank you very much in advance!

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