In the next few paragraphs I am going to attempt to metaphorically describe the totality of a person’s psychology with math. Let’s call this totality “Psi”

Psi is the summation of all a person’s experience “points” (let’s call each “point” of experience “Ex.”).

So, Psi = Sum of all of Ex.

Each Ex is the product of the interaction between totality of brain activation (let’s call totality of brain activation at a given moment “B”) at a moment interacting with sensed incoming information (i.e., changes in environment sensed by a person, let’s call this E for sensed environmental change). “B” is equal to the sum of all inputs (with weights of inputs considered) into all neurons at a given moment.

So, B = Sum of all neuronal inputs (with weight considered for each input) to all neurons.


So, I = Sum of all E (all changes in the environment sensed by person)


So, B x I = Ex (at a specified point in time)

Note. Here “x” is treated as a general notation for “interaction” and “=” is roughly synonymous with produce or generate.

Each point of experience (Ex) is a product of the interaction between the sum of all neuronal transmissions for all neurons (B) with the sum of all changes in the environment sensed by a person (I) at a specified moment in time. Each point of experience (Ex) serves as (B) in subsequent moments. Ex at time point 1 is B (totality of a person’s brain activation) at time point two. A person’s experience in a moment serves as the totality of brain activation for the next moment in an infinite stepwise fashion.

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