How would you overcome entrenched vested interests? For example:

RE: Editorial policy of Optics Letters

To: The Editor-in-Chief of Optics Letters

With reference to your message reproduced below, the expert’s comments dealing with the subject of quantum nonlocality are riddled with errors and omissions. The expert failed to mention that:

1. The commutator between any two Pauli spin operators results in the remaining third commutator. Its numerical evaluation depends on the wavefunction of the photonic system and is not state-independent as, surprisingly, claimed by your expert;

2. A growing body of published articles have disproved and rebutted the concept of quantum nonlocality - see the list of references we provided in our initial inquiry with your office. Your expert in quantum optics seems to be unaware of such developments which contain the answers to other errors in the expert’s statements. For example, an overlap between two states projected onto the measurement Hilbert space has nothing to do with two separate Hilbert spaces - see the first two references on our list in the initial inquiry.

3. The role played by the process of quantum Rayleigh scattering of photons is well documented, but your expert could not explain how a single photon can propagate in a straight-line in a dielectric medium.

Our question to you, in your capacity of Editor-in-Chief of Optics Letters, is:

1. Whether or not your editorial policy supports your expert’s position of stymying any debate on the subject of the non-existence of quantum nonlocality? , and

2. Could you also explain the reasons for your support of such a non-scientific methodology to suppress dissemination of knowledge?

Written on 21 February 2021

The following references unambiguously disprove and rebut the concept of quantum nonlocality, in general, and in the context of photonic systems, in particular:

1. Robert B. Griffiths, “Nonlocality claims are inconsistent with Hilbert-space quantum mechanics”, Phys. Rev. A 101, 022117 – Published 28 February 2020.

2. F. J. Tipler, "Quantum nonlocality does not exist", PNAS 111 (31), 11281-11286, August 5, 2014;

3. A. Vatarescu, “The Scattering and Disappearance of Entangled Photons in a Homogeneous Dielectric Medium,” Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics (CQO-11),

4. S. Boughn, “Making Sense of Bell’s Theorem and Quantum Nonlocality”, Found. Phys., 47, 640-657 (2017).

5. A. Khrennikov, “Get Rid of Nonlocality from Quantum Physics “, Entropy 2019, 21, 806.

6. M. Kupczynski, “Closing the Door on Quantum Nonlocality “, Entropy 2018, 20, 877.

As a matter of fact, one single photon cannot propagate in a straight line in a dielectric medium because of the Rayleigh spontaneous emission or scattering. Only a group of photons can maintain a straight line of propagation as a photon absorbed  by an electric dipole is recovered through Rayleigh stimulated emission induced by the other photons in the group. 

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