I’m trying to clone an insert into BL-21 expression protein but I’m facing some inexplicable situations. Here are everything I’ve done so far
1- Transform my plasmid into a XL-1 Blue (successful)
2- Extrac thet DNA, cleave both with Nhe I and Xho I (my plasmid and the vector) (successful)
3- Purify the DNA from an agarose gel (successful)
4- Ataching the plasmid to the new vector (pET-TEV28) (successful)
5- Transform my attaching product into competent BL-21 (successful)
6- plate the transformed bacteria with kanamycin (successful?)
7- in the next morning we always have a few nice colonies, we select them for a colony pcr and we got….. nothing! Nothing appears, not my insert plus pet, not even the pet by itself (which I would expect since this vector is the one that has kanamycin resistance thus all colonies should be transformed AT LEAST with pET
PS: my antibiotic is fine, I have tested it with other samples and it worked pretty well
My PCR is working nice, I always add a positive control