Positive features to be within a researcher-
Selfless service
Non-materialistic approach
Love to society
Impartial approach
Critically assessing own's work for direct / indirect relevance to the society
Attempting useful/practical innovative/research solutions
Creating team of excellence / dedication
Thinking all the time for nation/globe/mankind
Helping in Creating disciplined/innovative students/own children
Encouraging critical but positive discussions for upliftment of research
Never be possessive with own's research outputs/datasets, anfd freely exchange them for the progress of mankind, as we are short lived
Give chance to younger generation for effective outcomes and handing over the charge
Periodic self assessment for the outputs delivered and rectify accordingly
Have courage to criticize own's work
Possibly all these things are better known by dear RG colleagues then me, but I am just putting few of them to remind myself
Research/innovation goes on within us till we live on this great EARTH, and by adoption of this innovative process we worship our ALMIGHTY GOD
Some examples are MAHATMA GANDHI, JESUS CHRIST, RN Tagore, Gautam BUdha and many ohers
I sometimes feel 'SIGNIFICANT RESEARCHERS SOULS'' are still revolving/moving around their research labs/institutions for motivating/encouraging/blessing all of us, I can call them as RESEARCH/INNOVATION GODS
Kind regards