I have been trying different types of paper to use in labels for ethanol and formalin preserved museum specimens. My mini-experiment included Picofilm, Tyvek, 100% cotton, acid-free (90 and 150 gsm), goatskin and regular 80 gsm stress-free paper marked with pencil, inkjet (HP deskjet) and laser printers.  On the short term (two weeks), laser-printed picofilm fared the best, with other types of paper already showing signs of deterioration. I am tempted to take this result as indicative, given that Picofilm (which is made from synthetic, coated polyester) is supposed to be temperature stable and chemically resistant. However, I still have concerns regarding its suitability for long term storage in alcohol and formalin (for example, if it might somehow contaminate the specimens). Has anyone tried Picofilm in this way? Any information or comments would be greatly appreciated.

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