Pervoskite based photovoltaic devices are similar to light dependent resistors. It does not generate current as in the case of conventional semiconductor based solar cells. Any Comments on this?
Dear Sabramanian greetings i must recognize that such Q is so intersting. LDRs & SCs both convert radiation into electricity, but in LDRs resistivity could vary when material is illuminated (then mainly used in sensors); SCs in contrast are based on varying charge carrier mobility of semicond. (then mean life time,..) thus carriers should separated , not recombinated a second time. The 2principles are quite different. appls of SCs as known are clean renewable energy sources. Brthr Sabramanian welcome as a 4th collaborator!
When the ferroelectrics are used for photovoltaic devices, the material has to be polarized - else, it would be a simple LDR. Even if it is polarized, the amount of current derived from such devices are less, of the order of picoAmp, though the current density is around microAmp/