I declare that the methodology for short-term forecasting has been created, and successfully passed tests and official examinations. This technique and system will reliably save people's lives in the event of an earthquake. The method was patented and published in 2008. The scientific article of the foundation was published at the conference in 2011 and presented to all experts in Russia and international experts in 2015. You can see the minutes of the meeting.

Many seismologists of the world pretend that this does not exist and sell the people ersatz, which will not only continue to kill people with an earthquake but also kill children with panic in schools.

I challenge such "scientists" to debate. I declare that they use their position as leaders to get millions from the budget without real competition. For example, in Israel, received 33 million shekels in this way, but their method and system (EEWS) will not save people's lives. The "creators" of the method at the meeting of the Knesset Commission did not want to declare that they are responsible for the results of their "labor".

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