I wish to know other point of view regarding the PEF, Product Environmental Footprint, and its applicability in companies. Off course, when PEF will be more than a "pilot project" or when the study phase will be finished, this could be another tool that could be quite easily applied for companies too, but my doubt is: PEF will be simply another environmental accounting system to be added to those already present? (like green label, EMAS, EPD, organic certification, environmental management tools, and so on...finally all the ways to comunicate to the market the link between products and environment). If this it's true, PEF, from my point of view, is nothing new, maybe it is more robust, clear, correct, complete, ot whatever you want....but from the consumers point of view.... it is just another tools that must explained...by highlighting the differences between all the other. In my opinion, companies, and the market, need "lean" management tools in order to obtain 2 goals: internally improve the process by finding the hot spots to be improved and externally comunicate all the efforts spent for a better environmental performance. Off course, already exist some practical tool to reach these objectives (LCA, green label, and so on)....but, in my opinion, there's still confusion because there are too many tools around a single topic

I wonder: PEF, what do you think about it? It could reach the objectives above mentionedin practice? Personally....I wonder if another tool quite close to a label could be helpfull...

Thanks to everyone who'll spend time to answer.

Luca Chiusano

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