12 December 2011 2 747 Report

Hi all,

Recently, while PCR-amplifying a chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) spacer region in a tree species, I observed 2 samples (out of a population of 15) that showed double bands (for a single locus) on the gel after electrophoresis, with one of the bands having the same size as the amplicon of other samples that showed only 1 band. At first, I thought it was contamination, but it did not seem likely as the other samples (extracted in the same process) were fine. Anyway I still tried re-extracting the gDNA for those 2 samples and it still yielded the same result. I then tried to PCR-amplify 4 other cpDNA loci (including those for barcoding purposes) in those 2 samples and 1 negative control, but no double bands were found in those loci. Does anyone have any experience in this? What could it be? Some people told me that it is due to a duplication of a certain gene fragment within the amplified region. But is there a way to prove the existence of the duplication, or otherwise? I would really appreciate it if someone could enlighten me on this, or point me to a related article. Thank you!

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